How will you make career choices/prepare for work as part of the Haven Curriculum?
Our Careers Lead is Mrs O’Grady. She will be happy to speak to you about your career pathway and help you investigate your choices.
Careers experiences at The Haven
You will complete a career profile. This is discussed weekly at key worker sessions and you will complete work such as career surveys using Springpod and investigate what kind of jobs would suit your skills and personality.
Drop down days, where you can can explore different careers occur at least once a year.
Guest speakers are invited in to talk to you about their career choice and you can ask questions to find out more.
Job of the week board is displayed and is changed weekly. This is discussed as part of your form time activities.
You can visit local colleges and universities and we will support you to complete applications.
Work experience placements are found and you will be supported to attend.
Post 16 students also complete a ‘Pathway to Success’ booklet which guides you through being ‘work ready’ and finding a post 18 placement.
You are encouraged in lessons to research jobs linked to certain subjects so you can see what can be achieved if you wish to follow a career in that area.
You can complete the ASDAN short course- Preparation for Work
Have a look at the following websites to support your career planning: